The National Times - Reindeer tensions stalk Swedish rally

Reindeer tensions stalk Swedish rally

Reindeer tensions stalk Swedish rally
Reindeer tensions stalk Swedish rally / Photo: © AFP

Reindeer apparently slain in a grisly manner and a conflict between local Sami reindeer herders and organisers have cast a shadow over the Swedish Rally which began Thursday.

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After 50 years of the event being held in the county of Varmland in western Sweden, the rally was moved north to the area around the town of Umea in 2022.

The move north guaranteed snowy roads, but also meant the event, the second round of the World Rally Championship, would pass through reindeer herding territory -- which is practised by Sweden's indigenous Sami.

Local Sami representatives have opposed parts of the rally and appealed the County Administrative Board's permit for the track, just a week before the rally, saying there were reindeer in some of the areas of the rally's route, according to broadcaster SVT.

On Sunday, three reindeer were found dead on a road outside Umea, and reindeer herder Maidi Eira Andersson told newspaper Dagens Nyheter (DN) she felt there was a clear link to the conflict between the herders and the rally.

"It happens right after our appeal and near the rally. That's not a coincidence," Andersson told DN, adding the reindeer all had their throats cut open.

Prosecutor Anna Nilsson confirmed to AFP an investigation had been opened into the case.

"We are investigating intentional damage and aggravated animal cruelty," Nilsson told AFP.

Nilsson also said investigating the motive was part of the investigation but said she could not comment om speculation about whether it was related to the conflict between the herders and the rally.
