The National Times - Sexual violence against children soars in DR Congo: UNICEF

Sexual violence against children soars in DR Congo: UNICEF

Sexual violence against children soars in DR Congo: UNICEF
Sexual violence against children soars in DR Congo: UNICEF / Photo: © AFP

Rape and other violence against children in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has soared to unprecedented levels, the head of the United Nations children's agency warned Thursday.

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"In North and South Kivu provinces, we are receiving horrific reports of grave violations against children by parties to the conflict, including rape and other forms of sexual violence at levels surpassing anything we have seen in recent years," UNICEF head Catherine Russell said in a statement.

Agency partners reported that the number of rape cases treated across 42 health facilities in the area jumped fivefold from January 27 to February 2, according to UNICEF, with 30 percent of victims being children.

"Our partners are running out of the drugs used to reduce the risk of HIV infection after a sexual assault," Russell said.

"One mother recounted to our staff how her six daughters, the youngest just 12 years old, were systematically raped by armed men while searching for food," Russell added.

M23 fighters and Rwandan troops are pushing further into mineral-rich eastern DR Congo after capturing the major city of Goma in late January.

The conflict has killed thousands and driven vast numbers from their homes.

As fighting intensifies, "hundreds of children have been separated from their families, exposing them to heightened risks of abduction, recruitment and use by armed groups, and sexual violence," Russell said.

In just the past two weeks, more than 1,100 unaccompanied children have been identified in North Kivu and South Kivu, according to UNICEF.

And as the rebel offensive widens, recruitment of youths by all groups is likely to accelerate, with reports of children as young as 12 being enlisted or coerced to join the fighting.

"Parties to the conflict must immediately cease and prevent grave rights violations against children," Russell said. "They must also take concrete measures to protect civilians and infrastructure critical to their survival."

The M23 in recent months has swiftly seized tracts of territory in mineral-rich east DRC after again taking up arms in late 2021, in a country plagued by numerous conflicts for decades.

The armed group, which claims to protect ethnic Tutsis, began advancing in South Kivu after taking control of Goma, the capital of neighboring North Kivu province that borders Rwanda, at the end of last month.
